Every one of us who is reading this has searched jobs online or looked for human resource job bank online irrespective of the industry they work in or their experience. We very often come across new websites or advertisements that we can’t avoid or which attract us. Some of them require our personal details before we can proceed to the next page or even otherwise.  Such information that we provide to the various jobsites may be dangerous or even disastrous for us, as the website owners may use our personal information for illegitimate purpose or sell our private information to others. Often such information contains credit card information or banking information, which is again very sensitive and could end up pushing us in to financial losses. Often there are cases where identity theft takes place or in other words the hacker or the culprit misuses your personal information for illegitimate purpose where ultimately you stand responsible. So it is very important that the information provided on the web for access to human resource job bank or for any other purpose be provided judiciously and by ensuring that the website is genuine. Even at times with some job banks, there may be people who misuse other company names by providing false contact details and simply collect your data. Often people receive emails where they tell you that you have won a price of a million dollars, which you can claim by providing your credit card information. These kinds of arrangements are traps where you may be harmed potentially.

You can ensure authenticity of employers, companies or websites by checking whether they are secure websites or not or in other words their address starts with https and not http (when you are making a credit card payment or making a financial transaction). Most websites that support financial transactions are affiliated with Verisign, so you can check Verisign logo also. It is essential to read privacy policy and other legal declarations of the websites you visit or work with. You can also write to Internet fraud complaint center if you find something fishy while you use the web, human resource job bank or make any transaction.